Main Canal (2)
Boat Hire - Forth & Clyde Canal
(Glasgow Branch)
A list and map of Canal Boat Hire and narrowboat holiday companies on or near the Glasgow Branch branch of the Forth & Clyde Canal

Canal Boat Hire
Narrowboat holidays are very popular and a wonderful, relaxing way to experience some of the most beautiful British countryside. There are many companies hiring out canal boats, we have listed these above and also show their locations on the map.
The list of Canal Boat Hire and narrowboat holiday companies contains information about service providers that we are aware of on the services on or near the Glasgow Branch branch of the Forth & Clyde Canal. We cannot guarantee that it is up to date and welcome any feedback about new service providers or services that are no longer available.
The people who know the most about the services on or near the Glasgow Branch branch of the Forth & Clyde Canal are the boaters themselves. We are hoping that, with your help, we can make the UK Waterways Guide the most comprehensive and up to date source of information for the UK's canals and rivers.
In the not too distant future we will provide subscribers with the ability to comment on services and also to read other people's comments.